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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Working at Highland Pacific golf

     Prior to my start at Highland Pacific golf coarse, I didn't have a lot of work experience. But that didn't slow me down, I treated the situation like it was no different then my first job at Pacific Institute of Sport Excellence (PISE). Where I worked as storage room supervisor.

     In 2009, I started coming to Highland Pacific . I loved it so much, it became my dream job. I started thinking "I have to work there", pretty soon after, it turned into reality. I was on top of the world with excitement!
     My job original required me to sort through the recycling with Aaron, a employee. It's a stinky job, but a good kick start. I wasn't going to complain, if I did, I would fail my ambitions of working at a golf coarse.
     When I started my work was on the driving range picking up golf balls, fixing divots, cleaning out the basement even though my efforts were futile. I had to work in the basement from March to October I'm glad I did to, if I didn't I would have got laid off!

     The up and coming projects include taking on the blog with Matt, one of the associates golf professionals. The other guy being Rob. And organizing a lot of photos of the courses inception to present day.

     A couple of the things I like about working here are; the incredible staff, no matter who is in and wonderful friends I've made.