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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Having a "Phase"

When people tell me I'm sick, I despise that term, when it's applied to me. I call it a Phase, because that implise it's temporary. It WILL pass, i'll get better in a few days. the key is be optimistic, if someone is optimistic, you'll end up kicking it out of your system.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What it takes to be a Canucks fan

Why I'm the ultimate Canucks fan is....I count the days from the end of the season to the next. I never lose faith, no matter what. I know all the stats and players from 2003-present day. If you asked me who my favorite player of all time is, I'd say Trevor Linden; no one else even comes remotely close. I shape my life around the schedule. When I die, I'll be buried in a Canucks jersey.

So when someone asks me what it takes to be a fan, and were not talking band wagon fans; I'm talking the real fans. It's.....heart and extreme optimism. The band wagon fans....not real fans if you ask me. Yeah I know we've never won a cup, the Detroits can go ahead and rub it in our faces. It'll make it that much sweeter when the cup comes to Vancouver.


Canucks Game - November 2010